Our communication way changes continuously shape: social media is a perfect tool to stay in contact not only with friends and family, but also with market trend always with you. Regardless of age, nowadays social media takes a big part of our daily life not only as entertainment source, but as business and engagement tool for your audience.
Mostly of Italians login in on social media app via smartphone and on June 2017 Facebook, WhatApp and Messanger gather together 5 billion of active users, more than the half of global population. On fourth position there is Instagram, favourite social by photo-video lovers (and not). The successful of these social media is not based only on the real time connection, but also on sent text, audio file, images, documents, bot chat and sponsor/sell of products or services in every time and everywhere.
To sum up, the potentialities of social network are various: create a direct communication to every age target in a simple, free and immediate way (it is sufficient to have a smartphone and a connection to open business fan page and to update it). Anyway we don’t forget that the social management is not so easy: we should think, draw and create day by day a coherent marketing strategy with own business goal to transmit the right messages to the specific target.
One of the most important rules in the social communication (for B2B and B2C) is that our primary goal is not to sell a product/service! The published post should give an adding value to the user. For example, B2C company use often the social network to share and increase ideas described in details in brand blog writing by irony and sarcasm. Differently from B2C, the B2C company write the social post in formal and itemized way trying to catch the interesting or a specific technical target.
All the social are different and have its peculiarity: the usage of them depends to the business target. The king of the king is always Facebook, following by Instagram (Mark rules), Twitter, Linkedln, Snapchat… given a look on the international market is so different: for example on Asian side there are WeChat and Line that are shop windows in the Pechino and Tokyo marketplace. Differently, Viber is the most used social app on Arabic and Russian side.
Social Media permits to monitor constantly the stuff that the user thinks and writes. It’s so important to have the control of the situation around your brand in order to listen and to be updated on. The negative comments are part of the brand social communication: don’t be afraid of, but try to manage the comments in a dynamic and proactive way to transform them in something of positive or constructive and an effort to improve.
So many social app, so many tool… it is not so intuitive to choose the right instrument to spread your brand message: not professionalized skills and wrong communication management can damage the bran image.
In order to avoid epic fail, it is better to base on the experts to have a good quality of social strategy, E-Business Consulting is able to offer a complete support to promote and realize your business project on social media in Italy and abroad. Call us for a free quotation!