SMS Marketing activities are still user engagement formulas particularly used for high commercial performance.
SMS Marketing activities, even in the era of Smartphones and Mobile Marketing, continue to be a particularly used tool to reach and select potential customers in real time, to promote events, to call a toll-free number, to report a promotion or to visit a particular shop.
Currently in Italy, based on the data provided by AGCOM in the communications observatory, there are approximately 100.2 million SIM cards in circulation, of which 52.2 million are those with Internet access. The possibility therefore of being able to intercept potential customers with the tool in the pocket of all Italians, represents a great opportunity for commercial development.
To this we must add that with the revolution provided by smartphone activities and the arrival of free messaging tools such as WhatsApp, every user is particularly intrigued and interested when receiving an SMS.
The SMS Marketingservice offered does not provide any database for client companies, as the users to whom your advertising message will be addressed will be provided by E-Business Consulting based on the target, the province and the postcode of your interest in total respect for privacy.
Advertising SMS can be sent to reach potential customers at any time for different purposes: from the greeting message to the request to participate in prize competitions, to the notification of a commercial promotion, or the simple request for information, or the invitation to go to an event or a point of sale or to call a telephone number.
A promotional SMS sending campaign develops an average of 10% to 30% return with an absolute lowest cost per contact of all advertising, both online and offline.
Any combination of EmailMarketing and / or Mobile Marketing campaigns with SMS Marketing campaigns can create synergy and increase business opportunities.
The service offered by E-Business Consulting as part of SMS Marketing campaigns includes:
Rental of the target user database;
Cost of sending SMS;
Any ad hoc Landing Page;
Detailed reporting of the mailings made.
The segmentation or target criteria available for the execution of the service are attributable to the following choices:
Postal Code;
The planning possibilities for the SMS tool are different:
Standard SMS;
SMS with Link to the Landing Page;
SMS with Custom Sender;
Interactive SMS.
Planning an SMS Marketing campaign allows you to tangibly grow your customers, both those potentially acquired and those already loyal. The use of advertising SMS allows you to reduce communication times and make the best investment in communication activities.
Request a free, no-obligation quote for your SMS Marketing activities and discover the services offered by E-Business Consulting, aleading company in all Mobile Marketing activities.