Customer management is crucial to building long-term relationships but a strategy must be created by combining several elements
Creating long-term relationships with customers is a key element for any company or brand in order to maximize business opportunities with its target audience. Paradoxically, acquiring a new customer costs on average 5 times more than managing and retaining one's customers.
Correct customer management is often confused with the mere implementation of a CRM software in order to find any solution sought. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different.
To be able to obtain correct customer management, also considering the continuous expansion and proliferation of potential customer vs company contact points, different elements must be considered, combining them to create the mix and the right synergy.
The starting point, therefore, once the touchpoints have been identified, is to be able to communicate with customers directly or indirectly in order to acquire information for your company or your brands. We split in two areas first because a company does not always identify with a single brand and each often has different behaviours, targets and methods.
But what are the contact points available between a brand and its customer?
On the offline side, I can generally get to know my customers through loyalty programs, product warranties, sweepstakes, member get member activities, etc.
Digital side through the correct use of Email / SMS Marketing and messaging platforms, with which to create ad hoc communications according to the user's socio-demo characteristics and purchase preferences intercepted in the past.
Social networks are another fundamental element for optimally managing relationships with your target audience by differentiating communication according to the social networks used, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, LinkedIn, creating an editorial plan and growth of followers. your community and online iterations.
Review management is an important building block in customer management. There are sectors particularly affected by consumer evaluations (travel) which may or may not determine the success of a product or service. In the management of reviews, the central element is the development of improvement processes within the company in the event of negative judgments. Everyone can get a negative review for multiple reasons, but the important thing is to understand if this judgment is real and at that point create an internal improvement process that elevates the rating. It is true that it is usually easier for the unhappy user to issue a negative review than for the happy user to declare their total satisfaction. But even in this case, tools are available that can lead to an improvement in assessments and judgments.
Customer satisfaction surveys are another important building block to understand the sentiment of your customers and understand if something is not going in the right direction by your company, the staff in charge and if it is necessary to think about a possible more in-depth analysis.
Do you want to understand a little more and check what E-Business Consulting can do operationally for your brand and / or for your company? Call now for a free quote and discover the services offered by E-Business Consulting, a leading marketing agency active since 2003.