Analyzing the numbers of 2022 in detail, online purchases in Italy were equal to 48.1 billion euro in absolute value. There was an important economic recovery in the services market (+59%) thanks to the growth of the tourism and transport sector (especially in the summer months), which (finally) compensated for the losses generated during the health emergency from Covid-19.
Before the pandemic, in Italy, compared to other countries, were purchased on-line mostly services; during the pandemic Italian consumers started to purchase online more products changing the eCommerce trends.
Even in the 2022 scenario, this trend is confirmed, albeit to a lesser extent, given that the increase in product sales was of +8%, reaching a total volume of 33.2 billion euros.
The eCommerce of services, after a negative two-year period, records an important restart, reaching an increase of +59% and a total turnover of 14.9 billion euros. Analyzing the various sectors in detail, eCommerce in Italy is most developed in tourism, furniture, clothing, food & grocery, electronics and publishing.
The preferred device by consumers for making online purchases remains the smartphone, which is why it becomes essential to offer a mobile-friendly eCommerce website and to develop APPs that can facilitate a user-profiled shopping experience.
Another aspect often overlooked by companies in Italy is logistics. Italian companies have to fight against multinational giants that on the one hand deliver the goods in 24/48 hours and on the other hand offer free returns. The risk is an increase in the management costs of the various online initiatives to meet the needs of often spoiled consumers.
Therefore, it is crucial to know how to communicate with customers and understand what is important to them in terms of shopping experience in order to increase loyalty processes, avoid shopping cart abandonments and increase sales. A satisfied customer is a customer who finds no difficulty in the buying process or delivery experience. In this context, online reputation management must not be overlooked, because the majority of customers search for company or product reviews before making online purchases.
Do you want to find out more information on eCommerce world and the developments expected for 2023?
Come and meet us on 17-18 May in Milan at the Netcomm eCommerce Forum 2023 and see first-hand news and market trends joining E-Business Consulting, a leading marketing agency, active since 2003.