Here we are, like every year, at the annual appointment with the report of We Are Social.
An appointment that gives an insight into the digital scenario of the current year: an in-depth analysis of the data concerning the social world and the digital world on 230 countries that helps us understand the web trends in 2020.
We present below the most significant data in the global scenario and then the more specific evidence on the Italian case.
Over 2 out of 5 people (43%) regularly use voice commands, while 4 out of 5 people choose gaming as a form of entertainment on at least a monthly basis. The average internet user this year will spend a time connected to the web of over 100 days (6 hours and 43 minutes a day): this means that in 2020, collectively, we will spend 1.25 billion years online. A third of this time, 2 hours and 24 minutes a day, is spent on social networks. The podium regarding social platforms remains unchanged last year: Facebook, YouTube and WhatsApp reign supreme.
This year's innovative figure is the increase in the use of Tik Tok (800 million active users per month, of which 300 million outside China) and access to Pinterest with 12% detected thanks to the inclusion of new regions previously excluded from the survey.
Television content transmitted via the web is enjoyed worldwide, but audio content such as music streaming (70%) and podcasts (41%) hold the record.
The novelty of this year is the overtaking of online purchases by mobile on purchases by desktop or laptop: 3 out of 4 internet users (74%) have purchased products online in the last month, 52% with mobile devices.
Italy is confirmed as a mature and connected country, very social, and with particular attention to the new digital trends both as regards the Internet in a broad sense, and as regards new technologies.In fact, almost 50 million people online in Italy on a regular basis, and 35 million those present and active on social channels. In both cases, there is an increase compared to 2019. The social preferences of Italians remain unchanged compared to what was reported last year: with YouTube and the Facebook family (WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and Messenger, in order) on pole position. Instagram is the platform that records the most evident growth, from 55% to 64%. Pinterest also increased sharply, with a jump from 24% to 29% in Italy, and in line with global growth, the use of TikTok at 11% in Generation Z.
The signs of health and digital maturation are also found in e-commerce: in fact, the indicators compared to pre-purchased online searches (from 86% to 87%) increased by 1-2 percentage points compared to 2019 and l actual purchase of products from any device (from 75% to 77%).
As in the world, even in our country it is not only the amount of people present and active that grows, but also the time dedicated to online activities: we spend 6 hours connected to the internet every day, and 1 hour and 57 minutes on social networks, in increase compared to the figure recorded in 2019, which had stopped at 1 hour and 51 minutes.
It is not only the desire to stay connected with our friends, colleagues, favorite brands and sources of inspiration that keeps us immersed in the web, but also a very clear search for entertainment and entertainment: 5 categories of the first 7 are in fact attributable to the sphere of social and entertainment.
In addition, watching online videos, following specific blogs, listening to music, online radio and podcasts are all activities that indicate a high desire for a personal growth.
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