The slogan "focusing on people" has been in vogue for some time: marketing theories, CEO & founder, managers, trade magazines, university professors and the many master courses often mention the importance of putting individual customers, or individuals, at the centre of the business of companies.
To date, it is possible to say that for many market players who have not yet "looked" in this direction, this will be a very difficult challenge but analysing the data and developing an ad hoc strategy this new perspective could be the key to open the doors of the future business of many companies.
For all the realities that remain closed in their schemes and do not face the outside world operating without a defined business strategy, there are many others that have taken up this challenge aimed at enhancing people by fully understanding that they are individual users, relating to each other, which can determine the success as well as the failure of a company. From this point of view, it has emerged how, to date, thanks to the indiscriminate use of Social Networks, there is, by many people, a great desire and interest to share, advise and listen to experiences of purchase or use of goods and services of companies categorized in different product sectors. This is useful for companies: every hour 230 million posts are shared on social media channels.
"Customers, Suppliers and Competitors are on the Internet" and companies, starting from this assumption should ask themselves some questions and think that due to or in favour of certain elements they are themselves chosen every day or rejected by the different customers.
People tend to have preferences on brands to be preferred in fact, very often, we hear talk of a very important element: brand loyalty. It is useful to know that adopting loyalty programs brings many advantages to companies because the loyalty involves significant aspects such as the increase in reputation, growth of the brand and increase in sales. In fact, according to an Accenture report, all the commercial companies that have activated this type of programs have generated between 12 and 18% more profit.
The "proximity" factor must also be taken into consideration by companies as 90% of the users who normally use the smartphone keep geo-location active. 80% of "mobile surfers" use their telephone equipment to make purchasing decisions and 34% use it to complete the transition.
What emerges from the latest statistics? What is the data useful for commercial activities? 69% of users are interested in receiving personalized commercial offers by going to a store. About the relationship between purchases and mobile devices, companies should really focus on a statement like this: "82% of buyers, while making purchases in a physical store, use the smartphone to check the prices of products online ".
The different companies must pay a lot of attention to another key factor for their business, word of mouth. According to a Nielsen survey, 79% of respondents in online shopping relies on the advice of relatives, friends but also simple acquaintances while, 64% trust the information they find online and in discussion groups on social networks or sites online related. It emerged that 88% of consumers consider online reviews as personal advice.
There is more? Of course, it has been estimated that every quarter of an hour weather forecasts are made for over 2.2 million locations. Weather is also a variable that influences the purchasing behaviour of average users. Investigating this way could bring benefits to companies: high or low temperatures and the coming of the "good season" could have a strong impact on consumers' purchasing behaviour. Several studies have shown that during the summer season traffic increases significantly. And online? A data like this could be an excellent indicator for the different commercial activities to plan communication campaigns drawing the maximum traffic with good percentages to get the maximum profit.
A business communication plan in the digital age is essential to make the business of all companies take off. By studying an ad hoc digital strategy, it is possible to increase the number of users, increase traffic to the site and physical points and, consequently, increase sales.
Why activate a multichannel communication plan starting from the knowledge of consumer behaviours or bringing people to the centre of the business? By making On and Offline live together, it is possible to study and put in place communication strategies able to engage and generate curiosity in users and increase sales by inserting clear references to company websites, e-commerce and using other tools to direct them to their business. new and potential customers and loyalty of those already acquired. Multi-channel, excellent services in relation to customer experience, incentives, and good reviews from customers are the winning factors to win competitors. Knowing one's own catchment area and the distinctive characteristics of one company's customers compared to another one allows to plan on more than one channel, being consistent both with its own mission and with its business objectives.
E-Business Consulting can help your business by creating a communication plan suited to the needs of your company to univocally and clearly bring out the vision and mission and taking advantage of all the On and Offline tools to achieve the objectives set with a winning strategy. Ask our experts, ask for your free estimate now.