Starting yesterday 27 July 2022, the PUBLIC OPT-OUT Registry (RPO) with which it will be possible to say goodbye to harassing telemarketing calls also on one's mobile number. Specifically, the possibility of registering with the Public opt-out registry is also extended to mobile phone numbers - already existing for the landline telephone and postal address - thus canceling the consent to the use of data by the operators, who will be obliged to consult periodically register. Although there is still a lot of confusion on the subject, we try to clarify some points.
PUBLIC OPT-OUT Registry in Italy: how it works
The RPO is a tool designed by MISE in order to block unwanted messages and calls from telemarketing operators, even those made with the aid of discs and automatic recording systems. Already launched in 2010 for fixed numbers, mobile RPO represents a further opportunity for the protection of privacy available to users. There are four ways to register, either with your mobile or landline number:
- by registering on the website,
- by email or by calling the appropriate toll-free number,
- by fax or registered letter.
This is a public and free service for all citizens who, once registered in the register lists, will no longer be able to be contacted by the telemarketing operator.
PUBLIC OPT-OUT Registry in Italy: obligations for telemarketers
From July 27, all companies wishing to carry out telemarketing activities, without prejudice to the acquisition of consent by the user, have the obligation to submit to the register all the numbers they intend to use for the campaign respecting the prohibition to contact the numbers entered. Law no. 5/2018, provides for the obligation for those who hold a database of telephone numbers for telemarketing purposes to check their data with the register at least monthly. The returned lists will be valid for 15 days and if you want to carry out a telemarketing campaign, do not forget that, once this time limit has expired and in the case of continuation of the campaign, the operator will have to query the register again. The operator is also obliged to consult the register not only in case of direct contact with the user but also when there is a transfer to third parties of the telephone numbers. In order to make the tool sustainable and not to give excuses to those who do not want to use it or cannot afford it, even from an economic point of view, in these days consultation methods and tariffs for access to the new RPO are being defined with greater clarity. .
PUBLIC OPT-OUT Registry in Italy: between light and shadow
It must be borne in mind that the consultation of the RPO does not appear to be mandatory for everyone, in particular for call centers located abroad, they could be immune. Without prejudice to the responsibility of the owners, from a first interpretation, foreign call centers are not required to comply with Italian law and may not even check the register at all, continuing their incessant telephone contact work at more competitive costs than national operators.The second critical element is the frequency of feedback required from the operators of the opposition register of the various databases. A check every 15 days turns out to be too short a time frame and risks penalizing a sector such as that of call centers which sees in Italy the presence of 2 thousand companies that employ about 23 thousand people while other operating methods are active abroad.The last critical element is the fees required for access and acknowledgment of the register by authorized operators, even more so if this acknowledgment must be made every 15 days.
Do you need a reliable partner for your telemarketing campaigns in Italy? E-Business Consulting, a digital marketing agency operating since 2003, is able to support you by providing you with lists in line with current legislation.