Yesterday, 11 April 2019, the Programmatic Day took place in Milan, an event dedicated entirely to the digital world that involved different industry players.
The different speeches allowed us to better understand the current situation, the strategies and the concrete opportunities to be seized in the medium-long term.
The data from the Internet Media Observatory of the School of Management (polytechnic of Milan) highlighted a continuous increase in Programmatic Advertising.
The dynamics of the Internet Advertising market recorded a constant growth from 2014 to 2018: in fact, it reached almost 3 billion euros.
The development of the Video Advertising was particularly relevant, with an increase of 24%. Considering only Display Advertising, the Programmatic Advertising component increased by 13% in the two-year period 2017-2018.
The evolution of the Programmatic Market, also in this case had a positive trend: it has gone from 110 million euro relative to 2014 to 488 million in 2018. Surely relevant is the weight of the video component that is around at 45% of the total value. By the end of the year, the estimation of the Programmatic market value is of 556 million euro was drawn up, based essentially on the data collected in the last four months.
This growing trend is mainly due to a change in some dynamics related to the surrounding context, such as the redefinition of the budgets of some big players for country Italy.
The weight of the Programmatic on the overall average market is 36% and the Private component clearly prevails over the Open one. Actually, the number of players who decide to move in the Private environment is increasing and the percentage of those operating in the Open market is reduced. This is because many investors feel more confident acting on the Private side as it is closer to the frame of the Direct sale.
The keywords Brand Safety, Viewability and Predictive Intelligence stand out in the future of Industry Advertising. Several interesting trends are expected with a disuptive effect including the inclusion of Programmatic ADV within the TV media and in the audio on demand sector. Quality, clarity, transparency and focus on the data will be the so-called must haves for all the players in the sector, essential for maintaining this positive growth line.
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