Email Marketing is today one of the most used tools by companies to communicate with their stakeholders. Although it has been in use for a long time, it is still an up-to-date and prevailing method, and for this reason it is essential to know it, understand it and know how to use it.
The types of targets to which a commercial e-mail address are varied and you have to choose it in according to the brand's needs. You can interact with Italian or foreign publics, normal people or companies, men or women, specific age groups, particular geographical areas, definite areas of interest or groups of professions.
Moreover, it is essential to understand the purposes that Email Marketing can have: to create a connection between brand and its customers to make them aware of the company's mission; to trust them through personalized promotions; to discover new users potentially interested in company’s products or services.
For the first two activities it’s necessary to own and exploit an internal database created by the personal data of all the customers who have purchased at our company. For this type of lead generation, for example, you can post a form on your website, on use coregistration or create a sweepstakes ad hoc. In the third case, you can rely on telemarketing lists that can be segmented according to the company's target interests.
But, why choose Email Marketing to communicate? The Email allows direct contact with its stakeholder, in fact we also call it DEM = direct Email marketing. Moreover it give us the possibility of creating ad hoc communications based on the company's identity image (colors, formats, style) in order to be recognize. It can convey different types of messages and address them to the most appropriate audience. Create a simultaneous contact with user to try to convert his actions into purchases.
E-Business Consulting has been operating for years in the world of digital communication and so, it’s the perfect partner for companies interested in promoting their brand. Experts in the field of Email Marketing, we offer all-round assistance, from the creation of creativity and / or ad hoc landing page, to the sending of e-mails, to the supply of internal and external databases for sendings, to the collection of personal data through personalized method, to the analysis of the performances.