The month of July in the field of advertising investments closes up to + 7,4% (-6,1% without Social and Search), a positive figure that brings these first seven months to + 2,3% over the same period of 2017.
Analyzing just this period, we note how some assets have undergone an increase in investment. In the first place we find Cinema with + 24%, followed by Go TV with + 13,2%, Transit 9,5% and Radio + 5,5%. The means, on the other hand, are decreasing: Outdoor -10,7%, magazines -8,8%, Direct Mail -6,8% and to follow the newspapers -6,0%.
Difficult to find a balance on the trend of advertising investments and above all a common thread to these trends so far, probably also due to the political and economic stalemate in which Italy is currently.
As for the investment product sectors, those that hold the highest percentages according to Nielsen data for the first 7 months of the year are: Leisure +32,4%, Institutions + 18,8%, Appliances +14,9 % and Industry/Construction + 13,1%. Downhill we find Games/School Items -25,9%, Toiletries -17,5%, Personal Items -15,7%.
E-Business Consulting, a web agency specialized in Digital Marketing, is able to plan ad hoc online advertising campaigns for any market sector, making its expertise available in the field of Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Google Ads and in the Lead Generation.