The XIII edition of Netcomm Forum 2018 was staged in Milan, the most important event for the eCommerce sector in Italy. Digital transformation and digital retail processes were the protagonists of this event dedicated to drawing an overview of the related trends to date.
Currently we are immersed in a hyper-connected world. Digital technologies pervade our whole life, from work to free time. Issues such as e-commerce, mobile, digital innovation, omnichannel, and marketing automation are definitely new areas to focus on and therefore to invest in.
The eCommerce in Italy is really booming. This is stated by Alessandro Perego, Scientific Director of the Digital Innovation Observatories of the School of Management of the Milan Polytechnic. "We expect double-digit growth for 2018. The market value is expected to reach 27 billion euros, showing an increase of more than 3.6 billion euros compared to last year". More feedback is given by products than by services. Purchases relating to products will record a growth rate four times higher than that of services. Numbers in hand we speak of a +25% on the purchase of products and a decidedly more modest +6% for services.
In this context, furniture is the preferred means by Italians. The purchases made by smatphone have a weight of about a third of the eCommerce market, equal to 31%. The convenience and immediacy of the means make it the favorite to complete the shopping experience. The possibility of being connected everywhere, the sharing of our experiences and a growing interaction with companies are, as we now know, determining factors.
But how can the Italian situation be compared to that of other countries? Our nation remains a few steps behind the main economies: in Italy, e-commerce accounts for 1.6% of GDP compared to 8% in the United Kingdom and 5.8% in China. Beyond Amazon, the undisputed leader in all the major European economies have arisen of local players who deal with eCommerce except in Italy. We are talking about companies like Tesco in the United Kingdom or Vente-Privee in France for example.
Roberto Liscia, president of Netcomm comments: "In 2021, 82% of global sales will still be the prerogative of physical retail. The question I ask you to do in these two days of event is: how should retail change? We are facing an epochal change, but those who will be able to grasp technological transformation will transform it into opportunities ". Today omnichannel is at the center of the strategic plan of most companies: a link between the physical and the virtual world is necessary to intercept a new type of consumer, increasingly dynamic, curious, informed and connected.
E-Business Consulting Srl, an online marketing and communication agency active since 2003, is able to better design your Digital Marketing strategy based on omnichannel and offers ad hoc consultancy for the eCommerce sector, making its customers available to its customers long experience and competence.